no liabil ity, nor responsibili ty for any damage or loss caused by your use or misuse of the inf ormation provi ded.
DAYS TO CANCEL THIS AGREE MENT, whi ch must be done in writ ing and wil l disconti nue the consult ing process. You can
read and re view The Fa ir Credit Reporting Act and the C redit Repair Org anizations A ct at or by writ ing the FTC.
Please no te th at t he agreed upon charge is for one or more of t he following services: Initial Consultati on and file preparation;
Credit Analy sis; Resear ching Laws an d documen ts; Experti se an d Knowl edge; Reviewi ng Cred it Reports ; Data Proce ssing;
Consult ing a nd Educ ation ; O pting Out process; Prepar ing documents; t he Receipt of Educational Materials and our time.
Education al/in formati onal mate rials and cons ultati on wil l be given t o you i n one or more areas of : cr edit – why you s hould have
good credit and how it can benefit you; credit scoring; how t o read your credit reports; how to i mprove your credit rat ing;
understanding the credit bur eaus and credit restorat ion; underst anding the new Bankrupt cy laws and how Bankruptcy can hel p
or hurt you; understandi ng the advantages and disadvantages of using a Debt Consolidation or Credit Counseling company;
stopping collection cal ls; validating debt – an unknown secret that Collection Agencies don’t want you to know; priorit izing debt -
what wi ll help or hur t you r cr edit; negot iate your debt properly and for less money; how to get out of ChexSystems or Tel eCheck
if you ha ve writte n a Non - Suffici ent f unds chec k; under standi ng all of yo ur cred it r ights, opti ons and choices; how t o avoid being
a victim of credit identity theft and what to do if you a re a victim; e stablishin g or reesta blishing c redit; credit info rmation on
current books and websites; how to respond to a civil summons if you are sued and more. For these services above, you ( the cli ent) agr ee to pay a total amount of $ ___________.If credit repo rts are ne eded an d you ca n not pro vide them , you he reby con sent to ha ving us ob tain them for you. T he tri - merge
credit report f ee is $39/individual and $59/couple. $___________.The length of thi s agreement is one hu ndred f ifty days (5 month s) from its execut ion and a ll consult ation mu st be sc heduled and
documents prepared duri ng that per iod. I f further consultati on or prepar ation of documents is needed, an additional fee will be
required of $1 00. We mu st fol lo w al l Sta te and Federal Laws and will not deviate f rom them. I f an it em is not consi dered
inaccura te, obso lete, mis leading o r duplica te, then w e will no t dispute the item on you r credit re port. If n ecessary , you can
cancel our services at any time in writing.Gu arantee – Although we cannot guarant ee by l aw a cer tain o utcome, we know t hat by util izing the Fe deral L aw, the Fair Credit
Reporti ng Act , we can a ssist you i n get ting ite ms dele ted/c orrect ed wit h an overal l p ositi ve out come.
Negotia ting debt – We wi ll t eac h yo u h ow to neg oti ate de bt pro per ly but i f you req ues t u s t o nego ti ate wi th your c red ito rs or
prepare additi onal documents other than li sted above, t here will be an additi onal fee. The amount of this fee will be di scus sed
with you and agre ed upon in writ ing before t he work is performed.By signing this agreement you (the client) agree to its conditions, agree to be truthful with your consultant,