Shipwrecked! : an entertainment : the amazing adventures of Louis de Rougemont (as told by himself)

Publication date 2009 Topics Rougemont, Louis de, 1847-1921 -- Drama Publisher New York, NY : Dramatists Play Service Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 241.4M

"The adventurous Louis de Rougemont invites you to hear his amazing story of bravery, survival and celebrity that left nineteenth-century England spellbound. Dare to be whisked away in a story of the high seas, populated by exotic islanders, flying wombats, giant sea turtles and a monstrous man-eating octopus. Shipwrecked examines how far we're willing to blur the line between fact and fiction in order to leave our mark on the world."--P. [4] of cover

A play for 2 men and 1 woman (doubling)

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