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Today is the online publication of the Annual Report 2020 for the Port of Rotterdam Authority. In a year when society at large was severely disrupted, the port of Rotterdam has confirmed its role as a reliable partner in the logistics chain by staying open 24/7. Goods volumes recovered in the second half year, limiting the decline in annual volume to 6.9% by comparison with the previous year. The financial results were better than in 2019, primarily due to one-off income items and cost savings. The net result was €351.7 million.
‘The title of our annual report accurately reflects how we experienced 2020. It was a turbulent year. We were constantly looking for, and finding, solutions to a succession of new questions. Working with a large range of parties, we successfully kept the port fully operational. We are proud of that success’ eBlue_economy_Allard Castelein
The port of Rotterdam had a safe year for shipping. There were no very serious nautical accidents, with the number being almost unchanged from 2019.
COVID-19 had a major and wide-ranging impact on the port and industrial complex, forcing us to switch gear constantly. Health and safety went hand in hand with a fully operational port. The Corona Port Consultations with representatives from service providers, terminals, lobby groups and other chain partners played an important role here, enabling us to find solutions to a succession of new challenges.
Our strong operating result has put us in a good position to implement an ambitious investment agenda amounting to approximately €1.5 billion in the years to come. That will have a major impact on employment, sustainability and society as a whole. In 2020, we invested €265.8 million . The ‘Starter Motor’ we introduced in 2020 was our response to the government’s wish to see the Netherlands investing its way out of the crisis. Twelve projects have the potential to create more structural employment, achieve a major reduction in carbon emissions and make a significant contribution to gross domestic product.