Fillable Printable Commercial Driver License Self-Certification Affidavit - Texas

Commercial Driver License Self-Certification Affidavit - Texas

Commercial Driver License Self-Certification Affidavit - Texas

CDL - 7 (0 0 - 01 12) Texas Comme rcial D rive r L icense S elf -Certification A ffid av it

Federal Regulations along with the Stat e of Texas Ad ministrative Rules r equire a commercial driv er to

certify i n o ne of the 4 categories listed bel ow to de ter min e if a medical certificat e is requir ed. If yo u

select categ ory one (1 ) or three (3 ) , yo u must pres ent a valid medical certificate. Last Name Fir st Name Mid dle Nam e Ma ide n Name Dri ver Li cen se Nu mb er Birth Date So cial S e curity Nu mbe r I certify my co mmercial tra nsportation is:

Category 1. No n - ex cept ed I ntersta te. I op erate or ex pect t o opera te in i nt ersta t e c omme rce, am

bot h sub ject to and meet the qualification require ments under 4 9 CFR part 391, and am requi red to

obtain a medical e xaminer's certificate b y § 391. 45 .( CDL - 4 , CD L - 10 bo x 7, medical cert ificate is requi red)

Category 2. Exc epted Inte rstate . I op erat e or exp ect to opera te in int ersta te c o m merce, but

engage exclusively in transportation or o perations excepted under 49 CFR 390.3(f), 391.2, 391.68 or 398.3 from all or parts of the qualification require ments of 49 CFR par t 391 . ( CDL - 10 )

Category 3. No n - Excepted Intr astat e. I opera te or exp ect to opera te in intrastate c o mmerce, and

am subject to the physical qualifications of 4 9 CFR P art 391. ( CDL -5 p ar t b , medi cal certifi cate is r equir ed)

Category 4. Exc epted Intr astate. I opera t e or exp ect to o per ate in intra sta te co mm e r ce , an d

engage exclusively in transportation or o pe rat ions tha t exemp t me fr om m eeti ng th e medical standa rds

of 49 CFR Part 3 91. ( CDL - 5 part a, CDL - 10 box 10 or b ox 1 1)

I c ertify that I have re ad, underst and and meet the abov e c heck ed categ ories for a commerc i al driver

_______ ______ _____ ____ _______ _____ _______ ______ _____ ____ _ Signature D ate

Please email , fa x, or mail the medical c ertificate (if ap plicable) and the Self - Certification affid a vit to:

Emai l (pdf format onl y): CDLMedC er t@dp s.texas. go v Fax: 512 - 424 - 2002 Mail : Texas De partmen t of P ublic Safety Enforcement & Complianc e Service Attenti on: CD L Sec tion P.O. Box 4087 Aus t in, T exa s 787 73

CDL - 7 (0 0 - 01 12) Genera l Inf ormation A G uide for C ommerci al D river’s Li cense (C DL ) Hol ders New Medical Certif icati o n Re quirements

All CDL ho lder s m us t pro vide a S e lf -C ertific atio n affidavi t (CDL - 7) n o later than Jan uary 30 , 2014 to the Departmen t ide ntif yi ng

the type of com mercial mo to r veh icle operat io n in whic h t hey pla n to o pera te. C DL hol der s o perati ng i n no n - exc e pte d

inter sta te an d no n - e xcept ed i ntr ast ate w ill be req uir ed to su bmit a c urrent me dical e xamine r’ s certificate and an y variance they

may have t o the De partment. Dr ivers w ho are re quired to have a medical ex aminers certificate an d fail to main tain a curren t

medical certific ate wit h th e Department may lo se t heir CDL.

1) What is changing? Texas w ill n ow collect y our medic al certi fica t e inform ati on at the time of your co mmercia l driver lice nse

transactio n.

2) What is not chang ing ? T he dri v er phys ic al qual if ic atio n req uir e m ents w ill no t c hange.

3) Whe n does this chang e sta rt? T his cha ng e be gins March 5, 2012. 4 ) What ar e C DL holder s re quire d to do ?

1. Y ou m ust determ ine t he ty pe o f c om merc e in whi ch yo u o perate and s elf - c ertify to o ne of the f o llow ing fo ur c atego ries

(see lis t belo w) .

• Interstate non - exc e pted : Yo u are an Interstate no n - exc e pt ed dri ver and mu st meet the Fed eral D O T medical c ar d

requir eme nts (e. g. – yo u are “ no t exc ept ed”).

• Interstate excepted: Y ou a re an Inter sta te e xcept ed dr iver a nd do no t hav e to meet th e Fe dera l DO T medi cal card

requi reme nt s.

• Intrastate non - ex cept ed : You a re an Intra state no n - exce pted dri ver a nd are req uired to meet the DOT medical

requi reme nt s.

• Intrastate excepted : You are an Intras tate exc epte d driv er an d do no t have t o m eet the D OT medic al req uirem ent s.

2. If yo u are subject to th e Departm ent of Tra nsportation ( DOT ) medical c ard re qui rem ent s, pro v id e a c opy of eac h new D OT

medical ca rd to the Departm ent prior to the expira tion of the current DOT medical c ard.

5 ) How do you de te rmine the t ype of comme rce in which y ou p lan to ope rate ? R ead t he info rmatio n fo r DOT medica l

certific ate re quir em ents l oc ated at http://ww w.txdps.sta te.tx.u s/ DriverL icense/m edCertReq. htm

6 ) How can yo u comp ly with t he new re quireme nts? If you ar e applyin g for a new commercial dri ver li cense, or plan on

renewi ng or o bta ini ng a re plac e ment bef o re Ja nua ry 3 0, 2 014 , b e sure to bri ng yo ur DO T m edic al c ard if yo u hav e one , w hen

you c om e to your lo cal driv er lice nse of fice.

If y ou a re a c urrent co mm erc ial d ri ver li ce nse ho lder a nd do no t n eed to re new or obta in a r epl ac e ment bef or e Ja nua ry 30 ,

201 4, pr int an d c o mplete a co py o f t he self - c ertif icatio n form (CDL -7) lo ca ted on o ur w ebsite, an d ma il, f ax, o r em ail the s elf -

certi fica tion fo rm to the co ntact info rmatio n below. If yo u are required to maintain a DO T medical c ertificate, be s ure to s end a

co py o f t hat and any vari ance you may h ave along with the Self -C ertific atio n affidav it .

7 ) What if y ou have r enew ed y our DO T medi cal certificate since the last time you sent one i n to t he Department? To prev ent

yo ur co m merc ial driver lice nse f r o m being do w ngra de d, yo u wi ll n eed to se nd a c o py o f the new D O T m edic al c ertif ic ate to the

Department w ithin 15 days o f th e DOT medical cer tif ica te is sua nce da te. 8 ) How to submit your medical cer tificates?

Self - C ert ific atio n affid avits (CDL - 7) and DO T medical c ertificate i nf o rmatio n can be submitte d to th e Department t hrough on e of